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Category Archives: Presidential elections

History of the United States Episode 71: The Election of 1800 Part Two

Adams is off the stage and a new president will be sworn in, but who? It’s Jefferson v. Burr in the winter of 1801!

History of the United States Podcast Episode 66: 1796

And the results are in! The Election of 1796! Adams v. Jefferson. Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans. Pinckney! Burr! The first real presidential election is decided and a new president takes office.

History of the United States Episode 65: 1796

Washington has said goodbye. Now it’s time to figure out who gets the top job. Two contenders emerge from two factions. Both from the founder generation. Both diplomats. Both statesman. Depending on who you read, one a supporter of monarchy the other a godless heathen. It was quite the contest in 1796.