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History of the United States Podcast Episode 75: Lewis and Clark Part 1

This took a long time to get to market! You can hear it in my intro where I talk about the end of the year! I was going to edit it out, but what the heck, goes to show that I do take my time on this, if a little too much. Anyway, in this episode of the podcast, we delve into the journey of Lewis and Clark, and a couple of other journeys into Louisiana besides. It was a fun one to do and I’m glad it’s finished. Of course, Lewis and Clark are just getting started!


Ambrose, Stephen E. Undaunted Courage: Merriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the opening of the American West. Touchstone Books, New York, 1996.

Wilson Jerimiah Jones. Thomas Jefferson: A Modern Prometheus. Cambridge University Press, New York. 2019.

History of the United States Podcast Episode 74: The Louisiana Purchase

In this episode, we delve into the purchase of the Louisiana Territory by the United States. A little background on the territory and then how the deal comes together pretty quickly after some fast maneuvering by Jefferson and his administration.

History of the United States Podcast Episode 73: Battles in the Courts and the High Seas

In this month’s episode, we take a look at the pivotal Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison and an international conflict on the high seas, namely the Mediterranean. It’s the first Barbary War, 1801-1805. Also here is the link to donate to help victims of flooding near Derna as mentioned in the cast.

History of the United States Podcast Episode 72: The Jefferson Presidency Part 1

The election of 1800 was finally over and Jefferson finally took over. It didn’t take long for major changes to take place. We also delve a little into Jefferson as a person and what created his worldview.

History of the United States Podcast Episode 70: The Election of 1800 part 1

Well, here we are! 1800, woot!! To get started with the new century, we talk about the election of 1800, a repeat of 1796, at least on the surface. This election will change everything! No really, it does…

History of the United States Podcast Episode 69: The Alien and Sedition Acts

Almost made it in one month! This episode tackles what would become the defining issue of the Adams presidency: the Alien and Sedition Acts. Part national security fears, part political payback, all controversial. Come the election of 1800, it became a pivotal issue.

History of the United States Podcast: Episode 68 The Quasi-War

Hello! If the calendar is correct, it’s barely been a month since the last cast! Whoo-hoo! In this episode, we continue to look at the Adams administration and something called the Quasi-War. Taking a star turn is Alexander Hamilton.

History of the United States Podcast Episode 67: The Adams Administration Part 1 The XYZ Affair

Hello! Welcome to another episode of the History of the United States Podcast! Not gonna lie: not the cleanest podcast I’ve ever done, but a couple months away from the mic will do that. Anyway, this time around, we get into the Adams administration, especially something called the XYZ Affair. Thanks for listening! If you’d like to further support the podcast, support me on Patreon!

History of the United States Podcast Episode 66: 1796

And the results are in! The Election of 1796! Adams v. Jefferson. Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans. Pinckney! Burr! The first real presidential election is decided and a new president takes office.

History of the United States Episode 65: 1796

Washington has said goodbye. Now it’s time to figure out who gets the top job. Two contenders emerge from two factions. Both from the founder generation. Both diplomats. Both statesman. Depending on who you read, one a supporter of monarchy the other a godless heathen. It was quite the contest in 1796.